By T Lyne

God, how I love the run-on sentence culture here in the UK . . .
I guess, of there was to be a point, which I may at some point make, is a point relating to the theory of dates containing the numbers 11/11 and that it apparently opens a portal to another dimension to where we can all ascend and throw off the shackles of an inept government and relatively obscene interest rates. This date (or there are many of them if you are creative) is often referred to as the Harmonic Convergence.
On wednesday, however, the date will be 180209 - not a lot of 11/11 going on there, but it will be a convergence of relative harmonies as the entire Dave Milligan Trio will officially live in the same village. How weird is that. 10 years ago I hadn't eve heard of Pathhead, I was still struggling with the concept of 'trying' for a child and getting my head around the fact that I had been married for about two days.
All this time later and Sophie and I have just had our tenth anniversary which then means its about 9 1/2 years since we quit smoking (at Dave and Corrina's wedding funnily enough), slightly more than 9 years since Leo was conceived and slightly less than 9 years since we moved here to the village.
May things continue to converge.